
Inside the metadata folder, create the metadata.json file and adjust the content to match your data:

  "name": "Stake Pool Name",
  "description": "Stake Pool Description",
  "ticker": "TCKR",
  "homepage": "https://stakepool.url/",
  "extended": "https://stakepool.url/extended.json"

You can skip the extended metadata, but it is better to include it from the start, because changing the metadata later requires creating a new stake pool certificate and submitting it.

The extended.json file has the following template:

    "info": {
        "url_png_icon_64x64": "https://stakepool.url/img/icon.png",
        "url_png_logo": "https://stakepool.url/img/logo.png",
        "social": {
            "twitter_handle": "<twitter_handle>",
            "telegram_handle": "",
            "facebook_handle": "",
            "youtube_handle": "",
            "twitch_handle": "",
            "discord_handle": "",
            "github_handle": ""
    "my-pool-ids": {
        "0": "<stake_pool_id>"

The stake pool id will be generated in a later step, after creating the stake pool cold key pair.

Upload the two metadata files to your website or where you want to host them.

Save the metadata URL, it will be required later for the configuration file.

Download the metadata file from this URL and make sure the file is identical with the initial metadata file.

Generate the metadata hash with the following command:

cardano-cli stake-pool metadata-hash --pool-metadata-file metadata.json | tee poolmetadata.hash

The metadata hash will be required for the configuration file, it will be read directly from the poolmetadata.hash file.

Last updated